Oakwood Village Police Department 24800 Broadway Avenue · Oakwood Village, OH 44146
Non Emergency440-232-1035
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Background Checks & Fingerprinting


The Bureau also provides fingerprinting for residents who need to be fingerprinted for employment or background purposes, an appointment is necessary.

Please be advised that we do not offer digital/electronic fingerprinting services, only “inked” fingerprints on the card supplied by the requester. Detectives are available weekdays from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. for questions


Background Checks

Many Ohio employers, both public and private, are required to perform background checks on new hires and individuals obtaining professional licenses. The Attorney General’s Office of the Bureau of Criminal Identification and Investigation (BCI), completes such background checks by comparing fingerprints received against a database of criminal fingerprints to determine if there is a criminal record. All fingerprints must be submitted to BCI through WebCheck or card scan unless exemption reasons are met.

To obtain a State or National background check visit the Ohio Attorney General’s Office.